best elementary schools

The Honeoye Falls-Lima Manor Intermediate School has been ranked #220 out of 3,911 in New York State among the 2025 Best Elementary School rankings by U.S. News & World Report.


The rankings include more than 79,000 public elementary and middle schools across the country. Schools are ranked at the state and district level, with Best Charter Schools ranked as a stand-alone category.


“I am extremely proud of the hard work and collaboration of our teachers, who meet weekly to share effective teaching strategies, assess student progress, and enhance programs to support student success,” said Joey Weaver, Manor Intermediate Principal. “Their dedication to keeping student progress and self-efficacy at the center of every conversation ensures that our efforts remain focused on what matters most.”


The methodology focuses on state assessments of students who were proficient or above proficient in mathematics and reading/language arts while accounting for student backgrounds, achievement in core subjects, and how well schools are educating their students. Student-teacher ratios are applied to break ties in the overall score.


The 2025 Best Elementary Schools rankings are based on publicly available data from the U.S. Department of Education. For district-level rankings, at least two of the top performing schools must rank in the top 75% of the overall elementary school rankings to qualify for district-level recognition.


“With the support of our families and an administrative team that encourages both teachers and students to take responsible risks and form strong connections, we create an environment where a growth mindset and learning thrive,” said Weaver. “By emphasizing the Habits of Mind, we equip students with problem-solving skills to excel in middle school, high school, and beyond.”


Parents, educators and students can see how Manor Intermediate compares to other institutions and how the rankings are calculated on


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